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[정보] 베타 패치4 수정 내용 일부

by 구호기사 2013. 10. 10.

Hi all,

You might have seen a new download for those who have opted in the patch 4 BETA.

This has called for an update of the patch notes; the following entries have been added:

- Fix rare crash when AI initiated diplomacy with the player.
Fixed problem with slinger units being overpowered as their shots could hit multiple units and made balancing adjustments to other projectile types.
- Fixed pike phalanx single-click and double-click attack behaviour. They will now try to maintain proper distance from targeted unit instead of running into them.
- Made it much harder for enemy infantry units to move/push through a pike phalanx.
- Flaming projectiles are now set as default for naval artillery when available.
- Increased the range of torches that can be thrown to burn down gates in battles.
- Cinematic camera view in battles now works better with siege vehicles.
- Disabled damage from rolling flammable projectiles that have landed on the ground (This does not include fireball deployables)
- "Army Destroyed" event message now displays the name of the army instead of the name of the general.
- The "Food Shortage" event message no longer contains a list of provinces affected. This can still be reviewed in the Provinces panel.
- Added event message for when units defect during a civil war in Campaign modes.
- Rank up event message now contains the new rank for both characters and armies in Campaign modes.
- When attacking a door of a fort with a battery ram, the per cent of damage will now reach 100% when the door to opens, instead of 20%.
- Fixed issue where double clicking on a map in the map list in the Battle Setup screens (in Custom Battle and Multiplayer Battle modes) would make that map always remain highlighted as if it was selected.
- Fixed multiple issues surrounding certain events being fired at the same time as winning the game.
- The movie player for Campaign movies will now correctly re-initialise its full screen state between queued movies.
- Fixed reinforcing armies unit banners sometimes appearing darker and missing their outlines on the battlefield.
- Unit banners will no longer appear black when turning on unit flags in a battle after turning them off in the campaign map.
- Fixed tooltips for incident event effects in Campaign modes.
- The resources icons in the Trade & Finance tab now fit in the user interface better when multiple (over 6) different types of resources are being traded.
- Fixed face animations and audio not working correctly in the diplomacy screen when declare war, and prevented adding new offers/demands from interrupting the face animations.
- Addressed inconsistencies in the campaign Heads Up Display when selecting between enemy and friendly settlements and characters.
- Added details of the effects to "Public Order" event messages.
- Fixed text clipping issues on building tooltips in Campaign modes in some languages.
- Fixed text clipping on the campaign factors tooltip in some languages, now shows ellipsis to show text has been cut off.
- Fixed possible cut-offs of text in the "Trait / Ancillary Gained" event message in Campaign mode.
- Subtitles added to the Parthia Civil War video in Campaign modes.

뜨거운 감자였던 팔랑크스가 다시 상향받습니다.

능력치 롤백은 아니지만, 이전작 파이크처럼 적 보병이 파이크에 살짝 살짝 걸리거나 느려지는 효과를 넣을 것 같습니다.

전례로 볼때 이정도만 해줘도 정면에서 엄청난 위력을 보일 것으로 예상합니다. 나가에야리 아시가루가 히어로 보병들을 썰어버리는 것도 능력치빨이 아닌 파이크 걸림효과 덕분이니....

지금 팔랑크스 창벽상태를 해도 적이 걸어오면 별다른 저항 없이 빠르게 근접할 수 있는게 상당히 어색했는데 이 부분이패치 되는 점은 맘에 드는군요. 하지만 걸림 효과를 얼마나 구현하느냐에 따라 다시 팔랑크스가 op가 될지 주목해야 될 부분입니다. 롬토1의 팔랑크스, 미디블2의 보조무기 없는 장창병, 쇼군2의 나가에야리 모두 걸림효과 덕분에 심각한 op가 된 전례가 있으니 말이죠. 단순히 느려지는 수준이라면 크게 op가 되진 않겠지만, 여튼 정면 대결능력이 대폭 상향될 것으로 예상됩니다.

그리고 사족이지만 외교창이 안꺼지는 버그 수정되는게 눈에 띕니다.

왜 눈에 띄냐면 제가 이 버그 때문에 진행이 안돼 게임을 접었기 때문...--;

다음 패치에서 이 버그가 수정되면 슬슬 다시 잡아봐야겠습니다.

